Sunday, 4 March 2012

Ukulele Update 6

So here's my newest Video Blog post on my learning the Ukulele. I'm sorry it took me so long to post it but hey, at least it's up now right? Anyway, this post was interesting to make because throughout the past four V-logs I've been trying new ways to strum the Ukulele and in this one I tried yet a new way.  In my last post I started using a guitar pick because I had an injured finger which actually worked pretty well.  However, whenever I listened to the version by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole it just didn't sound right.  So I decided that I would try a more natural way that could combine picking an individual string as well as strumming all the strings when I play the song.  My solution was to pick the first note of each chord using my thumb and then strum upwards using my index finger.  It took is still taking me a while to get this style of strumming down pat, but I have to admit I do prefer playing the Ukulele this way!
I want to apologize a head of time for how fast I talk in this post, I'm honestly not sure why I talked so fast throughout the entire video.  Just comment below and I'll post some subtitles if you are having trouble following!! As well just a heads up the video is by far my longest, running a whopping 9 minutes and 15 seconds.  I don't remember talking and playing for that long but I guess the saying is true, time really does fly when your having fun!
Thanks and Enjoy the video:


  1. Sounding great Matt! I like hearing the progress you've made and the tips you're sharing.

    1. Thanks Cynthia! I've also really been enjoying watching the progress you've been making with your Light Photography.

  2. I think I like the sound of your ukulele when you strum with your fingers more than I do with the pick too, so I look forward to hearing how you sound the next time. I think as you practice the new strumming style, it will become more natural and you'll be able to pick up other styles more quickly. You do indeed sound great, so keep up the hard work and I look forward to your next video.

    1. Thank you for the feedback! I definitely agree with you. At first strumming with my fingers was a bit of a challenge, but the more I work at it the easier it becomes. As I've been practicing I've been checking out different strumming techniques as well as different strumming patterns. I hope to try out a new strumming style in my next post.
