Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Tech Task #5

For my Fifth Tech Task I was asked to browse through the images in the Flickr group, "Great quotes about learning and change" and create my own picture based of the examples I had looked at.  Before I even started looking of pictures that I could use for my task, I needed to think of a good quote to use in my picture.  After some googling for quotes to use, a different quote entirely popped into my head, "For every turned off electronic device there is potentially a turned off child"  These words were spoken by Stephen Heppell in the video "Learning to Change, Changing to Learn", a video that I posted on my blog a few days ago.  I love the quote because I believe that since students today are so engaged in technology, we need to embrace it as a learning tool otherwise we may loose them.
Here is my final product for my task using Adobe Photoshop CS5:

There was also an optional part for this Tech Task that I chose to do as well.  For the task I had to make my own album cover using the instructions from meme. This was actually quite fun to do as I was able to once again use Photoshop to make my album cover.  I would highly recommend trying this task out for yourself if you are bored and want to have some fun!
Here's the info that I had to work with for this assignment:
The random name that Wikipedia gave me was Edith Picton-Turbervill.
The last four words of the random quote that I got were one. Like with pie.
The random image that I got off of Flickr was:

 And here is my final product for the album:

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